Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

I have to prep myself for the awkward and forced smiles exchanged in the hallway.
I'll make myself drink two cups of shitty coffee, topped with no less than 1 cup of creamer.
I'll sit at my desk for eight hours and imagine.
Plan my escape. It must be done.
~Sister Atticus
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Mountians Win Again
Mountains have a way of separating the life you must live from the life you should live. Clarity is unimaginable here everything is clean as if just born unto this earth, yet it bears the knowledge from thousands of years of experience. No media here. No advertisement. Only gods spectacular creation. The clarity of thought is dizzying. The hills in the distance seem to shield me from the evil which is the world we live in. I am alone and I am content. Happy. Reborn. Upon this mountain top I am saved from myself. Saved from my sins. They always call me here when life is falling out of focus....life is not a struggle in this atmosphere life is slowed to a single breath.... Cautious and clean, the essence of what is human. Humanity is not power or riches... Humanity is courage and forgiveness. A life is about being intelligent enough to punish those who are walking the wrong path; only doing so with love in your heart. I strive to adhere to this conundrum to punish but not hate to fight and love. To fight for what I have earned to fight for my family to fight for my loved ones future. I want to be a fearless hero but often I'm a coward, shying away from the. Simple act of resisting another persons belief. My beliefs aren't always better or correct but they are mine and onre should always fight for their beliefs. We don't fight enough in our nation, we are conditioned not to. No need for weapons, but a fair and solid fist fight forces a lot of integrity on a man. _ OmegaApex
Friday, July 9, 2010
Must See Mag of The Day

http://www.juxtapoz.com/ pretty much counter culture artwork and social comentary. Basically it's the embodiment of what I want to be when I grow up. Fancy.
I'm alive, for now!
So it was a slow week here.......sorry...that means it was a busy week in the office, honestly I'm fighting a hang-over from the 4th that has lasted most of the week thanks do not drinking for a considerable amount of time before this weekend (3 months thats a long time right). Anyway, I plan on working some this weekend and having some nice stuff posted, thats the plan right now anyway.....
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Inspiring Art of Alex Noriega

I stumbled upon this great blog by Amazing Artist Alex Noriega....Check out his work at http://stuffnoonetoldme.blogspot.com/
Art: Not Everybody Can Be A Warhol

This is art?
A drunk monkey could do better than this. Hell, a three year old could. Well, maybe not. Those tiny lines might be difficult for those fat little toddler fingers to duplicate. Especially since they use large crayons and more than likely, their mom might not let them use a pen.
Point being, if you call yourself an artist, you're probably not. And you should immediately try to stop selling your bullshit "sketches" on the internet. If I wiped my ass with a piece of construction paper and then traced it with some oil pastels, chances are I could call it art and sell it.
Hey man, anything is possible. Especially after I've seen this gem.
~Sister Atticus
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Every morning, without fail, the department director of our beloved cube farm bounds ( I use this term loosely) in and say’s “Bonjour!”….Ugh…Kill Me….. It’s not that I have anything against the French or really that I have any issue with a half hearted welcome every morning as the sleep cracks from my eyelids while trying to sip coffee and turn on my PC…. No I think problem stems from the fact that the French greeting has a very noticeable southern draw to it, and by the looks of her the only thing French she had ever had is fries….well that and maybe an Arby’s French dip. I know that in her mind she thinks she is being quirky and cultured but it’s just annoying. Maybe this seems trite but after watching her smile in the face of management and sit and take it up the ass like a cheap slut I’m allowed to feel that way. Right? I mean if she showed some kind of respect for the position she was in; or her body for that matter, I might be able to show her some sort of respect. I just can’t bring my self to it… no matter what, I can’t. I know that she promotes young guys like me because they flatter her but there is no way I will do that, I don’t fuck animals….and I don’t compliment them either. So that should paint a picture of our bosses’ boss. The best way to describe her is a fat cougar from Alabama who knows 4 French phrases……but as the cool kids say….Haters’ Gon Hate.
Fashion CSI

Anyway, who the fuck wears shorts like that? See how she's tugging on them in frame one? You know what that tells me? Those shorts are allllll up in her twat. Trust me, it's uncomfortable. I do like how she was able to raid her 45 year old Mother's closet for a shirt to coordinate though. It's got a hint of accountant with a pinch of despair. Her hair? Well, words fail me.
So let's move on:

The only thing I thought when I saw this photo is:
"So... is the left tit bigger, that's why it's capitalized?"
~Sister Atticus
The Commute

2. This morning I saw one hot guy on a motorcycle and then... one not so hot guy. Think Homer Simpson. Shirtless. On a piece of shit Yamaha. With plumber's crack. It was nearly as bad as having a pube caught in your throat.
3. Oh the ways of the heavy footed brake tapper. I don't think this needs much explanation. The guy driving kept flipping me off for getting to close. THERE IS NO NEED TO COME TO A NEAR COMPLETE STOP WHILE EXITING OFF THE RAMP. Asshole.
~Sister Atticus
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I NEED an Orange Julius
Why is the Eaton ‘s Center Closed? Most of the business’ in Toronto are closing their doors because of the G20 summit, rowdy protestors and vandals have been breaking storefront windows, and the City of Toronto has refused to pay for any damage caused by they ruffians that the conference brings, the city says this is because the stores insurance should cover it. Privately owned store that look at paying deductibles of 2k plus for broken store front, are locking their doors. BTW Sweet Purse Dude. -OmegaApex
Sentiments of a Cube Farm
The monotony of this corporate bullshit is stealing my soul I feel it every day! I should be creating, inspiring, developing, making and doing. But i wait, I wait on the end of the day, I wait on the end of the week I wait on the end of the season....I wait. I wait but for what do I wait, a promotion? A pay increase? Can any pay actually come close to filling the chasam in my soul that I feel is being taken everyday I walk into this forsaken place. I turn into the parking lot hoping the place is gone, leveled, not destroyed but disappeared....vanishied from earth and my memory....but its not it is here in all its malicious glory...and I scream Fuck! in my head but utter no sound. The phone rings and FUCK! but nothing comes out...I get a redundent email and FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! but all is silent. All is well and we smile as we slowly die each day!
Tryin To Make Dollar Out Of Fifteen Cents...
Perv of The Week
Monday, June 28, 2010
Half of a Welc ome.
Here we are, Cube Junkies, The once youthful vibrant dreamy citizens of mother earth reduced to little more than a number and a ID card. Behold Our Rebellion! -OmegaApex
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